A story addict since an early exposure to Dr. Seuss, award-winning author of over 30 novels and novellas, Michelle Levigne has been creating her own stories, heroes and adventures since junior high. She ventures into many sub-genres of science fiction, paranormal, romance and fantasy, including Greek mythology, Narnia spin-offs and her futuristic universe, the Commonwealth.
Michelle writes something for everyone! After all, since she likes to read all over the board, why not WRITE all over the board?

Tedrin Creed had been stuck on the Borealis five years, after falling through the space anomaly during a massive battle. He doubted Nureen's claim to be a Rover -- the uniform and technology were totally wrong. Problem: she sure reminded him of his best friend, "Killer" Keala. Bigger problem: the anomaly was closing, time was running out, and he had to convince someone he didn't quite trust to escape with him now -- or never.
BLUE FIRE by Michelle Levigne

Years later, as a Rover captain and medic, she was sent back to investigate the survivors of the invasion. Were they damaged, dangerous, puppets of the Talroqi, or victims of vicious lies?
Petroc led the survivors, and while he had dreamed of Rhianni's return, he knew that fulfilling their childhood vow would put her life in danger. Neither of them dreamed that they were mere tools in a war that had been brewing for decades, and was about to come to an explosive conclusion.
WIN - Today EVERYONE WINS - Leave Michelle a question today at her Cyber Launch Party (along with your email, so we can get your mailing address) and you'll be sent a party favor package that includes a sampler CD, magnet, pen and your own alien flyer! Be sure to leave your email so Michelle can get you out your party favor!
Congrats !!!
Good morning, everybody!
ReplyDeleteSo, what's your favorite SF romance title?
Who's your favorite SF romance author?
Other than ME, of course!
[That's a JOKE, folks!]
When did you start reading SF and SF romance?
What do you HATE to have happen in either the really old-style books, or the most recent ones? Why?
Let's TALK!!!
Congrats on the two new releases Michelle!
ReplyDeleteFor those not familiar with your books tell us a bit about each one - they are both sci fi adventure romances, are they connected? Is Borealis the name of a series? Or the world your book is set in?
Lots of questions for you today - I love Sci Fi Romance!
Thanks also for being so kind to offer EVERYONE goodies today - you rock!
Enjoy your party today and I hope both your releases are big sellers for you!
Borealis is a space station, set in the Trans Planetary Protectorate -- TPP for short.
ReplyDeleteGail Delaney of Desert Breeze Publishing created Borealis and the parameters for the stories, then invited authors in to make up stories. Rebels, aliens, heroes, rogues, all fighting for freedom and truth -- and love.
I describe it as a decrepit Babylon 5, set in the evil empire of the "Mirror, Mirror" episode of Classic Star Trek.
There are two anthologies. With the most recent stories, by me and Vijaya Schartz, Gail decided to release the novellas individually instead of in collections. Who knows? We could have more Borealis stories, coming out all year round instead of three new stories once each year.
I tie my Borealis story, "That Syncing Feeling," into the other launch book, BLUE FIRE -- which was just released today.
On the colony world of Mallachrom, artificially generated fear is dividing the society. A group of children were rescued by the native sentient canines called Shadows, when the alien hive creatures, Talroqi, invaded 20 years ago. Now, those children are grown up and in a battle for survival -- as well as to protect Mallachrom and possibly the universe. Unfortunately, they are feared and hated, and various factions want to have them declared non-humans, to take them prisoner and "study" them to death. The enemy fears them and wants them out of the way. Petroc Ash, leader of the children, who are called the Taken, isn't sure who the enemy is. He has to trust the guidance of the Shadows.
When Rhianni Day returns to Mallachrom, a Rover Captain and assigned to investigate the Taken, events cascade almost out of control. Rhianni and Petroc were childhood friends, and when her father's Rover Squadron left Mallachrom, she and Petroc vowed she would return someday and never return. But Petroc isn't sure he can trust anyone, not even Rhianni. He is drawn to her, but with the Taken, love leads to a bonding that could tie Rhianni to Mallachrom forever -- and could be her death sentence.
Congrats on your releases! In science fiction, what is the hardest part of world building for you?
Congrats Michelle on the new releases.
ReplyDeleteI just starting reading Sci Fi Romance.So I can't really say who a favorite author is yet.
My question:What's your favorite genre to read?
Welcome, Jessica and Elain --
ReplyDeleteThe hardest part of world-building?
Trying NOT to copy the SF shows I've been watching!
No, seriously.
The last thing I want is to have a reviewer comment, or a reader email me, and say, "They used that gizmo/plot point/science/animal in [insert name of well-known or even not-so-well-known SF TV show]."
And yet, as Solomon said, there's nothing new under the sun. Anything you think you've invented, eventually you find out it's just a recycling of someone else's idea, with a new paint job and a couple extra lights and switches attached to it -- or different color fur, extra legs or eyes, wings, whatever.
When I create my SF stories, the technology isn't a "character," as it can be for some writers. Just like I'm not passionately in love with my computer -- it's a tool, not the center of my life, like with some people. Does that make sense?
The culture, the dilemma, the challenge facing the characters are all more prone to be "characters" in a story than the technology or weird alien environment.
That being said, if you can take away the weird science and the gizmos and the story doesn't change, then it's not really an SF story, is it? [G] The trick is to make the alien elements essential to the story, so if you took them away, things would have to change drastically.
So that's probably the "hard" part of world-building. I'm lucky that I've done so many stories in my Commonwealth Universe, where most of my SF is written, I don't have to create anything. The stage has been set and painted, the props are all in place, the costumes are all there. All I have to do (yeah, right, that's ALL...) is bring in new characters for readers to meet, give them a quest or a problem to solve, and let them go play.
As for my favorite genre ... Ouch, that's a hard one! I do like the fantastic, the unusual, the touch of "otherness" and hints (either subtle or as obvious as a brick wall) that "this ain't Kansas anymore, baby!"
I read JD Robb, Pratchett, Lackey, McCaffrey, Crispin, as well as Macomber, Tang, Billerbeck, Gunn, etc. I like Edward Eager's really old (World War II era) children's fantasies, as well as Evanovich's wacky Stephanie Plum and Barron's Merlin stories and Jane Austen and Dee Henderson's stories. I like pretty equally fantasy, SF, and lots of different types of romance.
Because I write it -- and I write it because I like to read it.
ReplyDeleteI don't read a great deal of SF, so I don't have a favourite book or author as yet.
I don't like to be confused. The little SF I have read took me a while to figure out what was going on. I love the worlds created, but I thought the authors needed to let the reader in a lot sooner.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a favorite sci-fi author. I read a lot of different genres. Just not horror or thriller or mystery or murder. That stuff scares me too much.
Michelle, why did you choose sci-fi over other genres?
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com
I think sometimes the genre picks the author. We use the setting, the tools and toys, the scenery and culture, that best helps us tell the story we need to tell.
ReplyDeleteMy master's portfolio dealt with science fiction as the modern mythology -- and mythology was how ancient people explained the world around them, put it into terms they could grasp with their minds, put it into pockets and smaller portions they could handle.
For instance, with "True Caderi," I had a general idea of a story where a powerful father resorts to kidnapping his daughter to get influence over her, train her to think his way, to fulfill his long-term plans.
Now if you think about it, you can't have a story like that in our modern culture. There are laws against kidnapping! And other problems.
However, put it in a star-spanning civilization, where people have to travel vast distances, and different worlds have different lawns, and where a man can be so powerful he rules an entire planet and has influence over other planets -- and it takes him 20 years to find the daughter who he contracted to have bred for a specific purpose ... suddenly the basic germinal idea is workable.
Sometimes my stories require a fantasy setting. Other times, science fiction. Sometimes ancient history setting -- sometimes modern. It all depends on the story, on the tools and props and setting you need to tell it best.
Okay, it's after 10 and I'm heading for bed. It's been a long day of editing and writing.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to contact you loyal attendees tomorrow for your mailing addresses.
Thanks for coming!
I havent read any of your books Michelle but I have been reading some sci-fi lately. I love the whole Cyber thing.
I love Sci Fi and these two sound really good. I especially like the cover and blurb for Blue Fire and have added it to my wish list :D
ReplyDeleteBelated congratulations, Michelle! Scifi is one of my favorite genres--I'll be looking for these!
ReplyDeletef dot chen at comcast dot net
contrats im so late to congrat you on these books too