Between her travels, Anne Hamilton currently lives in Scotland where she is working on a novel whilst studying for a PhD in Creative Writing at Glasgow University. Anne and her husband celebrated the birth of their first baby in August 2010.
"Well, they all said that Bangladesh would be an experience. I don’t know about you, but this is the first time I've slept with someone three minutes after meeting them."
For Anne Hamilton, a three-month winter programme of travel and "cultural exchange" in a country where the English language, fair hair, and a rice allergy are all extremely rare was always going to be interesting, challenging, and frustrating. What they didn't tell Anne was that it would also be sunny, funny, and the start of a love affair with this unexplored area of Southeast Asia.

During her adventures zipping among the dusty clamour of the capital Dhaka, the longest sea beach in the world at Cox’s Bazaar, the verdant Sylhet tea gardens, and the voluntary health projects of distant villages, Anne amasses a lot of friends, stories...and even a husband.
A BLONDE BENGALI WIFE is the "unexpected travelogue" that reads like a comedy of manners to tell the other side of the story of Bangladesh.
Royalties from the sale of A BLONDE BENGALI WIFE will go to benefit Bhola’s Children, a home and school for orphaned and disabled children on the island of Bhola (UK registered charity No. 1118345).
WIN - Leave Anne a comment or question today at her Cyber Launch Party and your name goes in the hat for your choice of either an ebook or print copy of Anne's new book! To be enter, please leave your email address so we can contact you if you are today's winner - Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the cyber launch of A Blonde Bengali Wife. I look forward to reading and responding to your comments!
Thank you for passing by.
Anne, looking forward to reading your book.
ReplyDeleteWhat an incredible journey you must have had. And I'm going straight in with a serious question...
How have your experiences of your travels changed you?
Hi Anne - Congratulations on the release of A Blonde Bengali Wife!
ReplyDeleteMy question is: will your readers be treated to a physical book launch in addition to this virtual one?
I am based in Scotland and would love the opportunity to get my copy signed!
Hi Michael
ReplyDeleteProbably the simplest but most important thing that I have learned is that there are far more similarities than differences between people.
Whether we are in Bangladesh or wherever in the world we call home, we all have the same concerns, anxieties and ways of finding happiness.
And I don't like rice anymore!
Congarts Anne on your new release!!! Looking forward to reading this book.
ReplyDeleteSandy B.
Hello Eamonn,
ReplyDeleteThank you for logging in to my cyber book launch.
Yes, there will be a launch in Edinburgh on 15th November. It will be at The Melting Pot which is on Rose Street in the city centre, from 6-8pm. All proceeds from this event will go to Bhola's children.
I hope to see you there! And yes, I will sign your copy for you.
Hi Anne, just read the excerpt, can't wait to get my hands on the book!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing with us another side of Bangladesh, a side we perhaps don't see in the media, nor very often in travel writing.
I'm wondering, how do you think your various friends there might respond to seeing themselves portrayed in the book (and immortalised in print!)?
best wishes
Hi Julie
ReplyDeleteIn theory, all of my friends over there are delighted to be in the book. We will see what the final response is once they have read the whole thing.
All the friends I made in Bangledesh were great and I hope they enjoy reading the book.
Congratulations on publication of your book, Anne. I'm enjoying my first experience of a cyber launch.
ReplyDeleteIs your novel also set in Bangladesh?
Hi Maggie,
ReplyDeleteThanks! The novel I am working on at the moment is set in Cyprus, both in the present day and looking back to 1974.
So while it is definitely a novel, there is a strong sense of a different time and place.
Thank you for your question!
Having a baby and writing a do the two experiences compare?
ReplyDeleteAll success with both!
Hi E
ReplyDeleteA very astute question! Actually, they are very similar: both take a lot of time, commitment and challenge but are more than worth it in the end. The book may be a bit easier - at least the deadline is moveable (though I expect my very understanding publisher wishes it wasn't)!
Welcome Anne and Happy Release Day!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm very intriqued by your book and the real life romance you are sharing with us.
And I have to say what a wonderful and special thing you are doing by giving all your royalties from the sale of your book to a children's home in Bhola. Bless you for that!
Amazing how three months can change a life forever! Congrats on the new baby and hope mommy and baby are doing great!
Best of luck with the new release and I hope it's a huge seller for you and raises a lot of money for your charity!
Congratulations! Can't wait to read the book.
ReplyDeleteHi Anne! Many congratulations - a book and a baby launch all in one year - what next?! Am looking forward to reading the book from cover to cover Inga x
ReplyDeleteHi Inga
ReplyDeletePlease don;t ask 'what next?' I think I've had enough excitement for one year. But then again, when have I ever known my own limitations...!
Hey Anne
ReplyDeleteCool! A book for a charity.
Is it fiction or non-fiction? And is the romance for real?
Hi Karina
ReplyDeleteBhola's Children is such a great place they deserve every penny - and more! The charity was formed as a result of the book which makes it extra special.
The book is non-fiction. It all really happened and the 'character's are the people I met. As for romance - it's the story of a love affair with a country, not a person, although I adopted a 'husband' many times when it made officialdom easier!
Hi Anne
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the book being published!! Does it feel strange, after every thing you have been through, to see it finally in print?!
Great cover
Can't wait to read it all.
Ruth x
Hi, I am really looking forward to reading your book, I can get it over here can't I? If not I will get my sister to get it and send it over!
ReplyDeleteRuth and James (Amanda?)- thanks for your messages! It's great to have a real, proper book and I like the cover too - my friend Jacqui's excellent photos. And you can get the book anywhere! Via Amazon or the LL Publications site, or me if you want it signed!!!
Yes It is Amanda!! I am not sure how to change it from James, sorry. I can't wait to get the book and you can sign it when you come to visit!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Anne,
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed reading the comments people have made and reading your replies today.
How does it feel to be asked questions about your writing?
I hope the book raises lots of money for Bhola's children.
Emma x
The book sounds like a great read. It's always good to read a real account of peoples experiences, especially with a touch of humour!
ReplyDeleteCould you see yourself living there permanently, since you said you had a 'love affair' with the country? What would it be like bringing up a 'western' child there?
Looking forward to reading the whole book! Jeni
Hi Emma
ReplyDeleteIt's weird being asked about my writing, I still feel like somone who just wrote a diary and strangely it ended up being a book -not like a real writer at all! I wonder when/if that happens... maybe the Phd will help!
Hi Jeni
ReplyDeleteThat's a really interesting thought. I can imagine living there for prolonged periods but permanently? Probably not; I'm not sure where, as a single white woman I'd fit. And I'd need to learn to speak Bangla properly and read it too - that would take the rest of my life! Still, in many ways Bhola would be the perfect community in which to bring up a child: safe, friendly, beautiful...
Anne, the excerpt is great, very interesting. Can't wait to read the rest!
J x
Anne, hope you are enjoying your Cyber party day! You have been busy! Fantastic the book is on it's way and how generous and helpful that the proceeds will go to Bhol's children.
ReplyDeletebest wishes
Congrats on the release of your book! I hope it raises a lot of money for the childrens charity.
ReplyDeletekissinoak at frontier dot com
Thanks to all of you who haveleft comments an good wishes! I do hope you read and enjoy the book - and go to Bangladesh!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your book release. I think it's wonderful that the proceeds will support a children's charity.
WOW!!! A BLONDE BENGALI WIFE looks amazing. Great subject. I can't wait to read it.
I enjoy traveling but have never stayed anywhere longer than 3 weeks. Adjusting to the culture is different when you are aware you are not heading home very soon. Looking forward to reading about your experiences.
ReplyDeletelinze_e at
Great launch, Anne. Have enjoyed following your blog - sounds a briliant book.
ReplyDeleteHi Anne
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the launch of the book. I've been impressed with your commitment to getting the book published and the extract is hilarious, just so you, and I can't wait to read the whole book. Will come to the "live" event to get my copy signed - you'll be the next JK!!
Fantastic to see you arrive at the point of publication. It's an extremely generous gesture that all the Royalties go to the charity. The thought of an excellent book and helping a charity at the same time is an inspiration to all. Congratulations, well done and wishing you future success. This is the beginning of a great writing career.