Her paranormal shape-shifting menage INTO THE WILD is the third book in her Into the Heart series and is now available at Loose Id. And her contemporary menage SECRETS WE KEEP is now available at Amber Heat.
Erotic romance author Caitlyn Willows weaves deep emotions and sizzling sensuality into her action-filled stories. Believing life is to be lived and felt, not merely watched, Willows delivers real-to-life characters in unforgettable tales of love, adventure, and always steamy passion. Love and adventure, earthbound and in the stars, naughty and nice, you'll find it all in these steamy tales of erotic romance from the pen of Caitlyn Willows.
Visit Caitlyn's Website *** Visit Caitlyn's Myspace
Jaguar-shifter Jeremy thrills to yet fears his new role, but his relationship with Lupe and Cristían is more than he ever dreamed he could have. But the people trying to kill them, and the mysteries of why, taint it all. Much is unknown, but one thing is not…no one will separate them. No one.
As for Cristían… He’s been blessed with love where he never expected to find it. Now a force from beyond tells him he created a monster only he can destroy. How can he do so knowing it could cost him the two people he loves the most? The bonds of love and loyalty will lead them to the edge of fear and out into the wild.

Dylan Mitchell is dedicated to two things—his wife and his job. He's the agent who does whatever it takes to get his man, even if that means literally getting his man. It's part of the job, his duty. Besides, Dylan gets to hook-up with his hot-as-hell wife, Susan, once a month for a night of unfettered sex.
It's all good. Right?
Ah...but those secrets.
It's not just a job anymore. Emotions are involved—his, Susan's, and Cabot Logan's, the man Dylan is supposed to put behind bars. His two worlds aren't about to overlap, they're going to collide. Real world and undercover. Secrets revealed. Secrets Dylan's kept from himself.
But Susan has a secret of her own. So does Cabot. Those secrets and that of others are on a collision course of their own. And the aftermath will change everything...forever...
WIN - Since we're celebrating two new releases - you'll have two chances to win!! Join the party by leaving a question or comment today over here on our Cyber Launch Party and you'll get your name in the hat for a free download of either a contemporary or a paranormal story by Caitlyn Willows - your choice!! The more comments you make, the more times your name goes in the hat! The two winners will be announced right here, tomorrow - so be sure to check back!
Happy Release Day Caitlyn!!! What great reasons to celebrate!!!
ReplyDeleteBoth releases sound fantastic and HOT I might add! What is your favorite genre to write, paranormal or contemporary?
Grab some cyber champagne and enjoy this special day!
Thank you for inviting me, DeNita.
ReplyDeleteI can't say that I have a favorite genre to write. I'm very fortunate to have publishers who allow me to tell the characters' stories, no matter what world they live in. This is greatly freeing as an author. It allows me to explore all worlds, be they contemporary, paranormal, or historical.
Now the next thing someone might as is what genre do I love to read? Bottom line is -- I will read any story that intrigues me. I've always been a voracious reader and, frankly, if a story is good I'll read it crave in rock. :)
Hi Caitlyn!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun day for you and for us readers :-)
Do your INTO books need to be read in order? How are they connected?
Both your books sound great. I love paranormal most but wish you good luck with both books!
Hello, congratulations on your book releases. I have not read any books you have written before due to the fact I have only read books from a few authors. I am expanding my reading genres and authors. I think both of your books sound very interesting. the love triangle theme sounds fun!
ReplyDeleteHi Sharon,
ReplyDeleteThe books don't necessarily need to be read in order, but it will enhance your enjoyment and understanding of the story better if you do.
Into The Lair (Book 1) - Starts with a couple who are more or less cornered into going to the Yucatan on an expedition. There are others with them -- Trina, whose story is in Into The Night (Book 2) and Jeremy, whose story is in Into The Wild (Book 3). In Into The Lair we meet the shape-shifting jaguar people and learn of the ages battle in which they've been involved. Something happens in Into The Lair that affects everyone there. How that event impacts them is further played out in Into The Night and Into The Lair.
And....Sharon....because you asked....contact me privately at caitlyn@caitlynwillows.com and I will send you a pdf version of Book 1 - Into The Lair. :)
I'll be darting in and out today while I prepare release notices and such. Don't be shy about asking questions. I have to confess that I'm not the best at blogging. Honestly, I never know what to say. I suppose that comes from being a relatively quiet person.
ReplyDeleteI've always had a very overactive imagination. And that certainly does come in handy when one is a writer. It also leads to some amusing stories that often leave me the brunt of teasing. For example: One night I stepped outside to take out the trash and saw something very strange in the sky. Everything fluroesced. I ran back inside and gasped to my husband, "There's something out there...and it's not the moon!" Sighing heavily, he got up to see. Turns out Vandenburg Air Force Base had test-fired a missile. Yeah...I'm still living that down. However, several years ago I understand we had a green ball of fire shoot low over the sky at around eight one night. Many people saw it and it was determine to be a meteor. I'm glad I was inside, because my mind might have gone to Warp 25. :)
Was it easy for you to publish your first book? What obstacles did you face?
ReplyDeleteHBT - Some of the best ways I've discovered authors is from recommendations from friends. Of course, there's always the free book that I enjoy so much I go buy everything else for an author. I've discovered many authors that way: Elizabeth Vaughan, Marjorie Liu, Cheryl St. John, Elizabeth Rolls, Lori Devoti, M.J. Rose, Sarah Addison Allen, Meg Benjamin. And then there are those who are my friends whose books I love: Cathy Maxwell, Adrianna Dane, Lynn Lorenz, Lacey Savage...just to name a few. I discovered Jennifer Blake's books years ago while waiting in the checkout line at the grocery store. (You can imagine my thrill when I met her!)
ReplyDeleteFor the last several months Harlequin has been giving away free books (downloads). I got them all, discovered many new authors, and am now buying their books.
I think one of the best compliments I ever received as an author came from my husband's uncle. Uncle was a gunner during World War II and kept a log of his missions. I used that log to write My Only Wish (a Catherine Snodgrass story). That story was compiled with two others and put into print as Out Of The Ashes. I gave the book to Uncle. At the age of 85, it was the first (and to date the only) book he'd ever read. And he loved it! He was amazed I'd gotten the details so correct, details he hadn't put in the story. It meant a lot to me.
As writers, we never know what story will touch someone. I think it's only important to know that our stories do mean something to many people.
I have been on Goodreads for some time. I have received 4 free books so far. I did not enjoy the writing styles of 2 authors, one book has not arrived and I am currently reading and enjoying the 4th. I will look for books by him in the future. Barnes and Noble has a first reads event and I won a book and I have never heard of the author before so I hope I like her writing style. Thanks for the list of some of your favorite authors. I am going to check them out!
ReplyDeleteHey Caitlyn! Congrats on your release. You know I'm one of your biggest fans!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I read "Into the Wild" and hadn't read the other stories in this series. It was fabulous and led me to read the other two stories. So they do NOT have to be read in order!
Hi Trixie! Hey everyone...Trixie Stilletto is another fun author to read!
ReplyDeleteTrixie was kind enough to act as first reader for Into The Wild. I appreciated her input more than I can say.
Warning though -- I thought I'd better mention that the first two books in the series to contain elements of BDSM. The third book does not. :)
HBT - No, it wasn't easy to get the first book published. It took 13 years. By the time I finally did break into publication I had written 12 books. So I kept on trying and writing even though I was getting constant rejections. Writing is one of the hardest businesses to be in.
ReplyDeleteSince then I've gone on to publish nearly 100 novels, novellas, and short stories under the names Catherine Snodgrass (nonerotic romance), Caitlyn Willows (erotic romance), and Cassie Stevens (m/m erotic romance). I also have two children's books published under another name, but because of the erotic stories I don't mention that name in the same e-breath as the others. :) I did the children's books mostly for my grandsons and the other children in the family.
What is the reason you have so many publishing names? I understand why you would do it for the children's books. How can I find your children's books? I have a 10, 6, and 2 year old that I constantly gift books to.
ReplyDeleteDid you have to copyright your stories before you sent them out to the publishing companies? I am interested in writing but have no clue how that works.
HBT - I have different pen names because I want readers to understand upfront what they are getting. I wanted to make the divisions between those genres very clear. I didn't want readers used to the nonerotic content in my Catherine Snodgrass books to pick up a Caitlyn Willows book thinking they were going to get the same thing and wind up getting the shock of their lives. Caitlyn writes erotic and that level of eroticism has increased over the years. The same with creating the Cassie Stevens persona...many readers don't care for m/m. This keeps everything neat and orderly for readers.
ReplyDeleteTechnically speaking, stories are automatically considered copyright protected once you put them down in written format. One registers with the copyright office to further protect themselves. You don't register for copyright prior to sending them to a publisher. You want to make sure that the book that is finally registered with the copyright office is the final work. Often publishers do this for the author. These issues will be spelled out in your book contract. Best advice in the interim is to save copies of everything you do, everything related to that book, even rejections.
Hi Caitlyn,
ReplyDeleteCongratulatons on the Releases. Both of these books sound great, but I have to admit I am partial to the paranormal so Into the Wild sounds really good to me. Shifter, Human and Calico Cat I can't wait to read.
Is there any certain thing that inspires you in your writing? You write in different genres, do you write one at a time or can you write in the different genres at same time??
Hey Caitlyn,
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the new releases of your two books!
Happy Reading
Anna Shah Hoque
Into the Wild sounds absolutely fabulous! I love paranormal romances and toss in shifters and I'm in total heaven! I can't wait to read this book!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Reading
Anna Shah Hoque
I had no idea that you wrote under several pen names...I love reading m/m romances and I'm going to have to go and search through your backlists for titles to read. This is so exciting! woohoo!
ReplyDeleteHappy Reading
Anna Shah Hoque
I already have a copy of Secrets We Keep and I'm planning on reading it this weekend. What was your inspiration behind the story? Do you base your characters or at least certain facets of their personalities from people in your personal life?
ReplyDeleteHappy Reading
Anna Shah Hoque
Does your family know about your writing? More specifically, do they know about your erotic romances? How do they react to it? Do you let them read your work?
ReplyDeleteHappy Reading
Anna Shah Hoque
Hi Misty,
ReplyDeleteI write one story at a time to help avoid insanity. :) However, I might be working on several stories at one time. I'll be writing one story, editing another, researching yet another. And I'm reading. Always, always reading -- books, magazines, etc. The input of new information and the flow of words generated from another writer helps me in my writing.
I get inspiration from all sources. Sometimes it's just a sentence heard in passing while in a public location. Sometimes it's an article I've read or a TV show or movie I've watched.
What inspires me to keep writing? I guess the only answer to that is -- I am a writer, it is what I must do. It's so much a part of me that for me to stop writing would be the equivalent of me no longer breathing. :)
I'm going to have to get Into the Lair and Into the Night before getting your latest since I prefer reading books in the order that they've been published. It usually flows better that way for me...Thanks for the heads up Caitlyn.
ReplyDeleteHappy Reading
Anna Shah Hoque
Thank you for letting me know about the copyright stuff. Do you have any other advice? I looked at your website but did not see the children's books listed. I saw a few other books I am going to buy when I get to the book store. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteHBT - If you go to my Catherine Snodgrass website (www.catherinesnodgrass.com), you should find the link to the children's books. :)
Anna - I like doing that too.
ReplyDeleteI have first chapter excerpts of all the books on my website. :)
Anna -- I enjoy well-written m/m stories as well. Well, heck, as I've already mentioned I love well-written stories.
ReplyDeleteYes, the family is well aware of what I write. They are all welcome to read any of my stories. My husband has read Catherine's Out Of The Ashes, but that's the only one...that he will admit to. One son (#2) and his girlfriend have read Caitlyn. The other son (#1) prefers to remain oblivious. In fact, one day my husband was gone and I had a guy sex question and couldn't reach Son #2 so I asked Son #1. His response was, "You know you're not supposed to come to me about this. Isn't that why you have [Son #2]? I'll answer but we never had this conversation." My husband supports my Cassie Steven's m/m. We talked about it prior to me writing it. However, considering the hot-button topic this can be, he prefers the extended family not know. My family is very proud of my accomplishments, especially when someone else mentions my work to them in a flattering manner.
Secrets We Keep started out as a short story. I submitted it to Harlequin eSpice and it was rejected, which turned into a good thing because the story wanted to be so much more. Now it's a full length novel. This was one of those stories that literally wrote itself, a rare occasion. I honestly have no idea where it came from. It just popped into my head one day and was born.
I'm a people watcher. I'm also a listener (and, unfortunately, an empath). This has provided me with a wealth of insight into human behavior. My characters are composites of personalities based on their own life experiences in the story.
HBT - Other advice....
ReplyDeleteWrite because you love it.
Write because you can't not write.
Write because it is your heart and soul.
Educate yourself on all aspects of the business.
Read everything.
Treat yourself to a writer's conference.
:) Caitlyn
Interesting,you definitely know how to multi-task. That's a great quality to have exspecially in your field I would imagine. I couldn't write if my life depended on it, I can sure read though, love to read. Glad I found Author Island. I have been introduced to many new authors, all different genres and my TBR list is growing strong.
ReplyDeleteMore advice...
ReplyDeleteKnow you are not alone. No one understands a writer better than another writer. The voices in our heads are normal, it's everyone else who's messed up.
Misty - Yes, I've always been a good multi-tasker. My personality requires me to be busy. Although I do have my limits and need to veg out every now and then. :)
Thank you for the advice. I was reading the excerpts and I must say they both sound very interesting. I really enjoyed Secrets We Keep. I am going to look at your other books and add them to my wish list!
ReplyDeleteWow...it's so exciting to see some of you already have Secrets We Keep! That just about makes my day!
LOL on the son#1 story...
ReplyDeleteCongrats Caitlyn! Hope all the stores sell out and have to order more!!
Hi, Caitlyn.
ReplyDeleteWhat is your opinion on book trailers, please? Do you think they help in book sales?
Tracey D
Tracey - I think book trailers provide visibility and the goal is to target readers. The more times a book/cover/author is seen, the more times you're likely to find someone whose interest is tweaked. It's difficult to measure any one thing that helps in book sales. It's all things combined. Plus an author must work within the resources available, technologically and financially, when promoting and use those resources and skills to the ability they are capable. I always ask myself what makes me buy a book or try an author, then I craft my own promotion from that point outward.
I have about an hour left to chat. The hubby and I are going out for dinner tonight. Nothing fancy, just a bite at a local Japanese restaurant that serves the best Beef Bugoki (sauteed strips of beef on a sizzling platter with onions, carrots, and broccoli).
ReplyDeleteIt's been a pleasure sharing my release day with everyone. DeNita will be posting the winners' names tomorrow.
I really appreciate everyone taking time out of their day to join me here. :)
Thank you for taking time to chat with us. It was enjoyable.
ReplyDeleteHappy release day and thanks for the excerpts. Sorry I missed the chat.
ReplyDeleteThanks to everyone who stopped by to party with Caitlyn and celebrate her new releases!
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks to Caitlyn for putting up two free ebooks to give to our readers and for being such a wonderful guest!
Our two winners are HBT - you win a contemporary romance from Caitlyn and s7anna - you win a paranormal from Caitlyn! Please email me at AuthorIsland at yahoo.com with your information so we can get you out your ebooks.