Nothing satisfies Lilly. Not even working at The Dungeon BDSM Club as a bondage slave for hire. A slave looking for her true master. None have fit the bill so far. Until Terry. He spins her craving to fever pitch. And she might just fall in love with him, if she could only be his slave. Not just his. Julien and André’s, too. His gorgeous Creole lovers. Because they are the perfect Masters. But also keepers of the Black Room.
On Halloween, she’ll discover just how bad and dangerous their pain-lust game can really be. Will she be able to fulfill their true needs? Or will she perish in the attempt?
Meet Laura Tolomei.
If you really want to know, I was born in 1965 in Rome, Italy, but soon started my travelling career. At the age of five, my parents took me to Lagos, Nigeria, where I grew up free and hot like I've never been since. I loved it there and still think of it with nostalgia. Anyway, it was also where I learned English.
After my African experience, I was ready to tackle the US. I lived in Atlanta, GA, five teen-age years, attending the Crestwood High School, where I started my writing career by publishing a short story Nostalgia on the Crestwood Journal. Very thrilled about discovering my new talent, I went ahead during college, writing for the Emory University journal The Phoenix. Three articles mark my first-and last-steps in journalism, "The peace Corps", "WAMM, Women Against Military Madness," and "Lesbism".
After my American experience, I moved back to Rome, but still kept living from time to time abroad, spending several months in Mumbay India, a country I always felt very close to me in more ways than one.
Today, I write both in Italian and English, mostly fiction of various genres, from fantasy erotica, to mysteries up to plain ordinary life stories.
In English, I write erotica in various genres, mostly fantasy, sci-fi and paranormal, sometimes trespassing into contemporary. Feel free to look over my current and future projects by clicking here.
WIN - Leave Laura a question today at her Cyber Launch Party and your name goes in the hat for a copy of her new book BONDAGE SLAVE FOR HIRE! Please leave your email address so we can contact you if you are today's winner - good luck!
We're also celebrating today over on Facebook - Stop by as we talk Bondage and BDSM with Laura Tolomei!
Good morning Laura and super congrats on the new release! This sounds really dark - tell us a bit more about it and if we'll ever see The Dungeon BDSM Club again.
ReplyDeleteHow did these character come to life for you?
I hope you enjoy your Cyber Launch Party and Facebook event today! And here's to BONDAGE SLAVE FOR HIRE being your biggest seller yet!
Hi DeNita,
ReplyDeleteit's so great to be here again! Motly, it's so great to have not just any new release out, but Bondage Slave For Hire.
For me it's a first in many ways. It's my first BDSM novel. It's my first VAMPIRE novel. And that's all for starters.
The story is quite simple. At least apparently. Lilly works as a bondage slave for hire at The Dungeon BDSM Club. The management changes, and she's in a lot of trouble. 'Cause Terry, the new manager, is one hunky guy whose only fault is that he doesn't wnat to have anything to do with Lilly. Not just him. His two gorgeous Creaole lovers also. And Lilly can't stand it. Thus begins her tale, which leads readers not just inside Lilly's descent into true slavery, but also into the Halloween feast, with all the darkness and evil that she will have to face if she wants to survive. Which isn't such a certainty.
Will The Dungeon BDSM Club return? Not sure about that. I don't usually get tied up by the places, rather by the characters. They are what intrigue me most about writing a new story, and they are the ones who remain with me long after the book is finished.
How did I come up with them? With Lilly, Terry, Julien and André? I'm still not sure. At first it was just Lilly. I had to have a female leading character. And she had to be unique. I've been thinking lately how my female characters tend to be weak if compared to their male counterparts, so wanted to change that. Not that I had any definite ideas about her. Just knew she had to be special and strong. Then I thought of Terry. Now he was a real piece of work. So sure of himself, so impossibly gorgeous, so intolerably dominating. A Master in every sense. But he alone was no match for Lilly. I couldn't see him doing everything alone, which is why I imagined he'd have a strong relationship with Julien and André. And of course, the backdrop for it all is Halloween, with all the evil and darkness it can be charged with. As always, these characters took the upper hand. They had their story to write, I just punched in the keyboard. They did the rest. So no one was more surprised than I at how things turned out in the end. Mostly, at how Lilly turned out. She was really amazing, and I'm still wondering how she got away with it. Under my very nose, too!!!
Anyway, you just gotta read it.
Thanks so much for having me here, DeNita, and I will answer to any questions readers may have. And don't forget one lucky winner will get a copy of Bondage Slave For Hire FREE!
Is this a book in a series?
ReplyDeletebn100candg at hotmail dot com
No, it's a stand alone without any series to back it up. Don't think I'll be making a series out of it. The story is self-conclusive and I like how it ends. Personally, I wouldn't write another book, but I'm the last one to decice such things. Most times it's the characters themselves that have the bright idea of continuining their story. So for now I'll say there will be no series. For later...anything might happen.
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping by
Congrats on the release. I see that you write in different genres. Do you enjoy reading the same ones that you write in?
Hi Gabrielle,
ReplyDeleteactually, I don't, not most of them anyway. I'm a fan of dark fantasy and paranormlal, but never read a horror book in my life until I wrote one. Horror scares the hell out of me, which is why I not only didn't read this genre. Never went to see a horror movie either LOL
Come to think of it, never read an erotic book except Histoire d'O and haven't read many since I started writing.
But I don't think you have to read the genres in order to write them. The important thing in a book, any book, are the characters. They are what make or break a book. And that's something you discover reading any genre.
Thanks for stopping by,
Hi Laura,
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the release! Since this book is not part of a series, do you plan on writing more BDSM stories in the future?
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
the book sound great but i have couple of question have you gone to bondage party and then have you looked in to doing more of the books
ReplyDeletedesi the blonde
Hi June,
ReplyDeleteyes, I am definitely planning on writing more BDSM books. I really liked the experience and want to continue it, even if I already use BDSM elements in my Virtus Saga. Don't know if you've had the chance to read it, but there's one character in particular who enjoys playing with the knife on helpless victims. I also based an entire series, ReScue Series, on a game of blood and sex that the two main characters can't stop playing. Not even when they die. Their bond and lust is so strong, every reincarnation they are drawn to one another and start everything all over again.
But those are just BDSM tidbits within greater book themes. BDSM per itself is only here, in Bondage Slave For Hire, and will probably find its way in more books LOL
Thanks for being here.
Hi, Desiree,
ReplyDeleteno, I've never been to a bondage party, but quite modestly, I don't see why I should. The work of an author is through her imagination. I INVENT stories, characters and settings. And that's what I do with all my books, including the BDSM ones. If I were to a bondage party, I'd be writing a chronicle, a journalst account of what hapens, which is not what an author is supposed to do. So I don't need to go or do something to imagine how it would feel like.
As for your second question, yes I do plan on writing more books on this genres.
I know you have been asked this probably a hundred times, but... When you first started writing did you have a publisher or did you have to find one before you got published?
If I may also ask, do you have a specific set of courses you went through to help you become a writer?
Wow, this sounds like a pretty intense book. How do you get your ideas? And is it hard or exhausting to write such an intense book?