Today we're celebrating the LL Publications release of A FISTFULL OF RUBBERS, book two in Mark Jackman's trilogy, The Sid Tillsley Chronicles.
MARK JACKMAN is one of the most talented, exciting, and hilarious writers to explode onto

the fiction scene in the 21st century,” was what Mark Jackman hoped to read in the papers last year. He also hoped to punch a shark and own a Ford 2.8i Capri. He hoped that with the release of The Great Right Hope his newly-found celebrity status would bring him fast women, hard drugs and liquor, and then slower, more understanding women. Instead he has had to be satisfied with The Great Right Hope making regular appearances on various lists with various rankings on the Bestseller List, such as in the Top 100 in the categories of Horror (Kindle), Parodies & Satire Horror, Humour (Kindle and Print). A Fistful of Rubbers is the second installment in the trilogy known as The Sid Tillsley Chronicles.
HE has successfully installed a decking area into his garden.
VISIT Mark at where you’ll discover more of his wordy pursuits, blogs, science writing, and future plans for fiction...of which there are many.
A FISTFUL OF RUBBERS: Book Two of The Sid Tillsley Chronicles
By Mark Jackman

Middlesbrough’s favourite son Sid Tillsley is now a vampire-hunter, but even the coolest, most dangerous job in the world can’t get him a shag, forcing him into the more hazardous world of Internet dating. To make matters worse, the Human-Vampire Coalition has shut the local boozer forcing Sid and his friends to drink sub-standard ale!
But Sid has a fight coming. Something lurks in the shadows, or rather, the closet. A Northerner will punch anything in the face, but one thing he fears is a direct attack on his sexuality…and the Campire draws near.
Meanwhile, the psychotic vampire Gunnar Ivansey wants revenge. Sid hit Gunnar so hard in the nuts he’s never forgiven him. And with the death of vampire warlord Michael Vitrago, the floodgates are open for any vampire to enter Britain, the heart of the vampire nation, and wage war against humanity.
Can the Coalition prevent the vampire world from destroying mankind? Can Sid get lucky on the Internet? Can the Coalition use Sid to hunt Gunnar Ivansey? Can Sid find a decent pint? Does humanity have a chance if its only hope is Sid’s great right hook…and a fistful of rubbers?
Readers who haven’t read THE GREAT RIGHT HOPE (yet) won’t be left wondering or confused as Mark Jackman makes a seamless transition into this second instalment of the hilarious Sid Tillsley Chronicles. Amy J. Ramsey of Ramsey’s Book Reviews says, “A FISTFUL OF RUBBERS is a cleverly crafted sequel to Jackman’s THE GREAT RIGHT HOPE. It contains everything a
vampire reader wants: action, adventure, humor, and most importantly, SHAGGING…(erm) slaying of all sorts. The ultimate vampire series. Howay the lads! A definite must read!”
Mark Jackman proudly presents The Sid Tillsley Chronicles as “the anti-Twilight” in response to what he sees as a downward spiral of the vampire genre. He explains that “Creatures of the night have slowly revolved through the years to creatures of the…posters of teenage girls. I don’t like that.”
A FISTFUL OF RUBBERS is available in print and several ebook formats and can found at,, as well as many other print and ebook retailers.
Buy A FISTFUL OF RUBBERS in print and get THE GREAT RIGHT HOPE ebook free!
Buy both A FISTFUL OF RUBBERS and THE GREAT RIGHT HOPE ebooks as a set for $7.99
Buy A FISTFUL OF RUBBERS and THE GREAT RIGHT HOPE in print as a set and save 25%! ($22.50 / £14.99)
WIN - Leave Mark a question about his Sid Tillsley Chronicles today at his Cyber Launch Party and your name goes in the hat for a copy of A FISTFUL OF RUBBERS in your choice of ebook or print. Please leave your email address so we can contact you if you are today's winner!
BONUS - Get a free taste of Sid in Mark Jackman's free short story "Viva La Vampire"!!!
CLICK HERE to check it out!