LOVING LEONARDO by Rose Anderson

After Ellie tells him of a previously unknown work of Leonardo da Vinci, a book of erotic love poems and sketches dedicated to the artist’s long-time lover Salai, Nicolas joins her in a race to save the book from destruction. Along the way they encounter Historian Luca Franco and discover a comfortable compatibility that comes to redefine their long-held notions of love. The trio embarks on an adventure of sensual discovery, intrigue, and danger. Little do they know Leonardo da Vinci’s book is far more than meets the eye.
Rose Anderson - Love waits in unexpected places

Have you ever fallen so deeply in love with the characters in a romance novel that thoughts of them linger long after the last page is turned? Have you ever been so completely immersed in a love scene that you'd swear you've just been kissed or more?
Meet Rose Anderson's strong, confident heroines and be seduced by compelling heroes you'll wish were there beside you. Come see how their lives intertwine and through their stories discover love profound. From her current novels HERMES ONLINE and DREAMSCAPE, to the passionate stories that follow, this new author will sweep you away on a sensual tide of memorable story-telling.
WIN - Leave Rose a question today at her Cyber Launch Party and you'll get your name in the hat for an ebook of HERMES ONLINE and a I Love Reading Rose Tote Bag! Please leave your email address so we can contact you if you are today's winner!
Super congrats on the new release Rose!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds so interesting - sounds like a historical erotic menage adventure thriller - how would you describe it?
Tell us how this book came to be and what started you thinking about it.
This is the first of a series, is that right? How fun!
I hope you enjoy your party today and here's to this new book of yours being your best seller yet!
Thanks. It's exactly all that and more! In many ways Loving Leonardo is a social statement for love is a very large emotion with room to spare. Well, as far as impetus for the story goes, it came out of today’s politics mid-summer. The news was filled with women’s issues and talk of “progressives”. Where had I heard women’s issues and progressive heard before? The Suffragettes. Before I knew it, I had a very American, very unorthodox, Victorian progressive named Ellie. The rest unbelievably popped ¾ done into my head. The novel literally wrote itself.
DeleteAfter the first three chapters I realized these characters might go beyond this story and solve crimes a la Dashiell Hammett’s Nick and Nora Charles. Yes, I carefully chose their names to go with that idea – Nicolas Halstead and Elenora Schwaab.
I’m a huge informational reader and one person I find particularly fascinating is Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo was denied traditional education because of his bastardy. As a result, the things that man went through to become the genius he was were impressive. And that’s where the idea for his book came from. Da Vinci immersed himself in the world to learn. What else could my characters do but the same?
But it wasn’t enough. I had to throw them curve balls, I had to add obstacles and roadblocks to make it rough. No one likes a story without a story in it! Da Vinci was an artist. Nicolas is an art historian. Da Vinci was a philosopher. Progressive Ellie was a student of philosophy. Da Vinci was a grand inventor, much of his knowledge based upon processes that came before him. Luca is a historian.
Before I knew it, these three were having the most amazing discussions! Certainly love had to follow such compatibility. And to balance it all – a conscienceless adversary who’d do absolutely everything to get what he wanted.
So far Loving Leonardo had a fabulous start on Amazon and readers seem to enjoy it. Loving Leonardo – The Quest comes out early 2013. From there, my three lovers might have more stories to tell.
Loving Leonardo has the most sensual love scenes without being highly graphic. It takes talent to do that!
ReplyDelete:) thanks Jane. Coming from you, it means the world.
DeleteCongratulations on your new release!!
ReplyDeleteWhat an absolutely fascinating story. I can imagine you did all sorts of research. Please tell me that was fun.
It was fun, but then I'm sort of an info nerd.It's a wonderful feeling when all roads of your interests converge. I love Classical and Renaissance art and all things Leonardo da Vinci, and I daydream about living in the Victorian era myself. Throw in mysterious possibility of unknown da Vinci works, minute details of architecture, fortunetelling gypsies, Victorian locations, mannerisms, and slang and then top it off with the idea of friendships that bloom into transcendent love. Yes, I had a blast. :)
ReplyDeleteHi, Rose.
ReplyDeleteYou're a new author for me but not for long. What happens when an editor suggests a change and you disagree with the change? Do you compromise?
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
Thanks for stopping by Tracy. That's a good question. One of the best things an author can have is an editor who recognizes the author's voice and works with it. I have that now and I hope it's a long relationship.
DeleteIn my first novel I was just a petrified new author who thought I'd better do whatever was suggested I do. Having an editor take you to the mat over grammar and point of view shifts are both very worthwhile lessons. This makes you a better writer. I know my writing has certainly evolved.
There are other areas where you, as the author, need to stand firm. It's YOUR voice the tale is written in after all. If the editor starts to change your voice, determine how you can work his/her suggestion over and still keep your voice. If you can't, then don't. You never want to lose your voice. That's the difference between Cormac McCarthy and Woodiwiss. You can wear a blindfold and know their voices. This advice was given to me by an editor from an unaffiliated publisher.
There are definite times to reflect on what the editor is suggesting. Take condoms for example. I wrote a contemporary love story and left out condoms and the editor took exception. In my life I must have read hundreds of romance novels and never, not once in all those years, did I see a condom anywhere.
Still, new author that I was. I wrote them in. I wouldn't do it again. I see the point to safe sex because we live in a germy world, but do our fantasies need condoms? Do people really read our books and suddenly go stupid because literary characters aren't using protection? I don’t think so. I'll leave the condoms to the public service announcements. :)
Loving Leonardo sounds compelling and unique. What a fabulous novel. The art aspect as well as the love combination is perfect. Art is such an important component in this book. Did you major in art or is writing your favorite talent? saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteThanks :) Many years ago I was headed west on a university scholarship to pursue an art career. To save as much money as I could, I delayed my trip until the end of summer. Wouldn't you know, I met this compelling man and my entire focus shifted? 35 years later, it's still the best decision I've ever made.
DeleteI'm a Wordie who loves the written word. Becoming an author seemed the perfect niche. Reconnaissance art has always fascinated me too. What a tribute to Humanism. :)
:( Typing fast, I put one too many n's in Renaissance and used spell check. Now look what I have. Reconnaissance???
DeleteCongratulations on this great release which is certainly appealing in everyway. I was wondering if your have travelled for your research and visited many art museums. Your writing reflects such an interest and beauty. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteThank you. I'm an information hound who reads encyclopedias like other people read magazines. Friends and family laughed until I knocked off the entire World Book Encyclopedia. **grin** They won't play trivia games with me anymore. I'm also sensitive and shy. In many ways like a child with a grand sense of wonder. There are times where artworks or music, poetry or photographs bring me an upwelling of understanding -- like I know the mind who created them. My characters are all me.
DeleteI had the great fortune to grow up in Chicago -- a city famous for it's museums and the renown Art Institute. I haunted those places. Wherever I've traveled, I always find the museums and galleries.
Congratulations, the cover is beautiful. The book sounds very interesting!
ReplyDeleteThanks Sharon :)
DeleteThe book sounds fascinating.
ReplyDeleteI'm interested in the musical selection for the trailer. Is there a reason you picked "O Mio Babbbino Caro" from the opera "Gianni Schicchi" by Puccini?
Ah you caught that did you. :) I like hiding Easter Eggs in my work and always wonder if someone will catch them. My congratulations! O Mio Babbino Caro was a nod to Leonardo da Vinci. Puccini's opera was set in Florence and da Vinci was a man of Florence.
DeleteWow, that sounds better than the cover, though that did draw me in as well. :) Thanks for the wonderful opportunity! Wow!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by Tami. These characters are a lovable trio. I'm a picky leisure reader and even if I didn't write them into being, I know I'd enjoy Nicolas, Ellie and Luca's adventures.
DeleteVery cool, Rose! Congrats on this first in the series--will the books continue with the same trio as the focus? And what other stories are you working on? :)
ReplyDeletef dot chen at comcast dot net
Thanks. This particular plot gets resolved in the second book I have coming out sometime in January. I've built the characters well enough in book 1 and even more so in book 2 that they have several directions to go if they tell me they'd like to remain active. (lol I sound a tad schizophrenic. I think all writers are to some degree.) I like having options and I really enjoy the way they interact with one another and the world. They really do have some fun skill sets to work with. Every time I picture their world, I get glimpses of Sherlock Holmes' world though they are just a tad later in the era. They're giving me a hint perhaps? I think they like solving mysteries. :)
ReplyDeleteMy next novel comes out this month and is based upon a very real and quite unbelievable local legend. History is a particular interest of mine so I enjoy building stories set in times past. After that, one more erotic romance to go (I gave myself 5 to learn the ropes on), then back to my labor of love -- the 6-year in the making 5-book as yet unnamed magnum opus. Now there's an all around BIG concept story. I wanted to learn to be a better writer through erotic romance so I could do it justice. Why erotic romance? Seduction is a mind game like chess and actions must be precise or they're just plain silly. And I'd read once that many NY Times bestselling authors started in romance/erotic romance. :) I dream big.
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. Good luck!
DeleteI love the theme of this book. What's wrong with Reconnaissance Art, anyway?
LOL perhaps my computer is running the show.
DeleteWhat a interesting plot! This is very intriging. Congrats on the release and thanks for the giveaway.
ReplyDeletekcnrhtx(at) charter(dot) net
Thanks. :) Like I said somewhere above, I'm a persnickety reader and if it holds MY attention, then I can't ask for more. I hope others feel the same.
DeleteOh this book sounds sooooo interesting. I think you've got a best seller on your hands. Good luck with it and if I'm chosen to receive a copy I'd be over the moon with joy.
ReplyDeleteThanks! The prize here is a copy of Hermes Online -- A whirlwind, don't blink it happens so fast, romance with a touch of divine meddling. This first novel of mine is a CataRomance Sensual Reads Reviewer's Choice Winner. Hopefully anyone who wins it will enjoy the tale. It's a scorcher.
DeleteI have seen this book in a few different places and it look amazing. I hope I get to read it.
ReplyDeletedebby236 at gmail dot com
Thanks for stopping by Debby. Hermes Online has been well received since its March 2011 debut. It's funny how that came about. I worked in historic preservation at the time and was feeling particularly down about losing a landmark. I started writing as an emotional purge you might say, and before I knew it my character Vivienne completely changed the focus! All roads converged and I thought what the heck, I'll submit it. A month and a half later and I was a contracted author. :) Funny how that worked out.
ReplyDeleteAs for Loving Leonardo, it turned out exactly as I envisioned. Book 2 comes out early next year.
I've got Loving Leonardo but I haven't had time to read it, but I can't wait to set some time aside for it,as I know it will be a delicious sensual, sexy romance.
ReplyDeleteYou're a great author, Rose. Keep writing!
Thanks E! Coming from you that means a lot.
ReplyDeleteThanks for an intriguing peek, under the covers, so to speak, at the prim and proper Victorian era and some fascinating characters.
And thanks for stopping by! :)
DeleteLOVING LEONARDO looks absolutely wonderful. I love the story line.
ReplyDeleteI imagine there was all sorts of research you had to do!!
I would love to read HERMES ONLINE thank you.
Thanks Mary :) There was a lot of research involved but all of it fascinating. I got lucky!
DeleteHi everyone, Thanks for commenting. It was fun to answer your questions. I've chosen elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com as the winner of Hermes Online. Thanks again!