THE HEAT by Laura Tolomei

Too much gossip, too much sex, too much heat…but alas, too little trust
Over the gossip, over the passion, over the sex, over any possible explanation…because of the pledge, the heat will overwhelm them, in and out of the Hall, in and out of bed.
Over the gossip, over the passion, over the sex, over any possible explanation…because of the pledge, the heat will overwhelm them, in and out of the Hall, in and out of bed.
Meet Laura Tolomei.

If you really want to know, I was born in 1965 in Rome, Italy, but soon started my travelling career. At the age of five, my parents took me to Lagos, Nigeria, where I grew up free and hot like I've never been since. I loved it there and still think of it with nostalgia. Anyway, it was also where I learned English.
After my African experience, I was ready to tackle the US. I lived in Atlanta, GA, five teen-age years, attending the Crestwood High School, where I started my writing career by publishing a short story Nostalgia on the Crestwood Journal. Very thrilled about discovering my new talent, I went ahead during college, writing for the Emory University journal The Phoenix. Three articles mark my first-and last-steps in journalism, "The peace Corps", "WAMM, Women Against Military Madness," and "Lesbism".
After my American experience, I moved back to Rome, but still kept living from time to time abroad, spending several months in Mumbay India, a country I always felt very close to me in more ways than one.
Today, I write both in Italian and English, mostly fiction of various genres, from fantasy erotica, to mysteries up to plain ordinary life stories.
In English, I write erotica in various genres, mostly fantasy, sci-fi and paranormal, sometimes trespassing into contemporary. Feel free to look over my current and future projects by clicking here.
WIN - Leave Laura a question today at her Cyber Launch Party and your name goes in the hat for a copy of the 5th book in her Virtus Saga Series - THE PLEDGE! Please leave your email address so we can contact you if you are today's winner - good luck!
Super congrats on the new release Laura! And it was a surprise for me to see you with book six coming out so fast - you must have been inspired!
ReplyDeleteFor those who aren't familiar with your Virtus Saga Series, can you tell us a bit more about it and how the books in this series fit together? And should the books be read in order?
When can we readers expect the next installment? You know how it works, writers work for months or years to write something that we readers can't put we read it in one sitting. That's some pressure there!
Congrats again on the new release and enjoy your launch party today! Here's to THE HEAT bring you many new Virtus Saga fans and being your biggest seller yet! Have fun!
Hi, DeNita,
Deleteit's so great to be here, hosted at your fabulous Cyber Launches! And yes, it's been hard but very inspired work that brought me to the completion of Book 6 of the Virtus Saga. And just for the record, I've already started work on The Keeper, seventh and last installment of the Virtus Saga, so look out for it in the first trimester of 2013.
As for the saga itself, I'll post what it's all about separately. It's a long story, as you've all guessed, so it deserves a post all its own ;)
As I was telling you earlier, today I many not be available for too long. My husband just decided to take me out tonight, to celebrate my B-Day (which is a week from now but he says he wasnt to start early on the celebrations this year LOL), but for sure I'll be here tomorrow, so just leave your comments and I'll get to answer them for sure.
Have fun,
Hi, DeNita,
Deleteit's so great to be here, hosted at your fabulous Cyber Launches! And yes, it's been hard but very inspired work that brought me to the completion of Book 6 of the Virtus Saga. And just for the record, I've already started work on The Keeper, seventh and last installment of the Virtus Saga, so look out for it in the first trimester of 2013.
As for the saga itself, I'll post what it's all about separately. It's a long story, as you've all guessed, so it deserves a post all its own ;)
As I was telling you earlier, today I many not be available for too long. My husband just decided to take me out tonight, to celebrate my B-Day (which is a week from now but he says he wasnt to start early on the celebrations this year LOL), but for sure I'll be here tomorrow, so just leave your comments and I'll get to answer them for sure.
Have fun,
DeleteThe thing about the Virtus Saga is that each book starts right where the previous left off, so it's really necessary to read them in sequence, if one wants to follow the plot. They are all very heated and passionate becasue the concept behind the series is that there is a mechanical device that turns the violent impulses of the people of the planet Sendar into sexual ones. So no to violence, yes to plenty of sex. As you can imagine, then, things get heated up really fast! But FYI here is a brief recap of each of the books:
THE SEX, Virtus Saga #1, where it started-the sex, the trio, but also the violence and mistrust
The great beginning of a new dark fantasy saga!
THE GAME, Virtus Saga #2, where it exploded-the passionate lust, the leadership, but also the estrangement + the chaos
The second chapter of the saga is a fiery hot piece of work.
THE FESTIVAL, Virtus Saga #3, where it continued-the reunion, the connection, but also the separation and the victory
The third chapter seals a destiny started with the first chapter, however its ending.
THE LEADER, Virtus Saga #4, where it escalated-the love, the responsibilities, but also the threat and the commitments
The fourth chapter of the saga is the starting point of a new life and the affirmation of feelings long denied.
THE PLEDGE, Virtus Saga #5, where it heightened-the romance, the ménage, but also the past and the wedge
Seems like an ending, yet it’s a new beginning, this fifth chapter of the Virtus Saga brings the tale of Duncan, Chris and Ylianor to a new height.
THE HEAT, Virtus Saga #6, where it plunges-the lust, the sex vortex, but also the gossip and the multiple partners
Don’t miss the latest chapter of this ongoing dark fantasy series, the Virtus Saga.
VIRTUS SAGA - Who is Christopher Templeton?
DeleteOne of the main characters, and according to what fans say the most intriguing, is Lord Christopher Templeton, the other two of couse being Prince Duncan Caldwell, Leader of the High Council, and Lady Ylianor Templeton. Of Chris, much has been written. That he is an angel and a demon seems undeniable. That he finds it hard to make the two sides live together is equally undeniable. But there is a fabulous reviewer of Romance at Heart that summed it up like this:
That he is a vain, egotistical, heartless bastard seems undeniable, but his adored prince, the only one to have stolen his heart until The Pledge, Virtus Saga Book 5, gets a whole different and better side of him. Angel, Prince Duncan Caldwell, Leader of the High Council, calls Chris. But for everyone else, including the woman Chris has come to love, he is a real Demon.
Christopher is an extremely handsome male specimen who by his lover's confession could have anyone he wants as he is tall, elegant, desirable, and has a lithe body that exudes sex from every pore. He loves Duncan with all his heart, yet is annoyed when he wants to bring another woman, Ylianor into their bed, and their already steamy relationship. Christopher has a very jaded view of women, and Ylianor in particular believing them to be unpredictable and fickle, and is under the impression he does not need one in his life. Once Christopher has been left with Ylianor for a while at Blue Oasis, he sees her in a different way, she is not the clinging vine he thought she was originally, and thinks he might have misjudged her. That does not mean his view of her as an interloper has changed, no, he had already made up his mind to loathe her being there, even though he only wants what is best for his lover. A lover of Arthur Fairchild, his former leader, it is interesting that Christopher decided to keep it in the family by being Duncan's lover also. He has a secret resentful streak in his personality he has to try and keep in check, hoping that his lover will not notice. He does have a kind nature, but it is hidden beneath jibes and insults about the woman in Duncan's life.
A handsome man with a huge ego in many ways, Christopher could never imagine anyone being in their bed but Duncan, and he hates to share his love with someone else, especially another woman. He normally likes to keep them at a distance rather than get involved with them and finds it awful that his lover might actually fall for Ylianor. This is set to break their relationship up as he cannot make compromises and is pretty much stubborn about the fact he sees Duncan as his, and his alone. Love is a serious thing where Christopher is concerned, and his obsessive ways have got worse since his lover let Ylianor enter their bedroom. Christopher is capable of hurting men with his cruelty, and Ylianor has felt the sharp edge of his blade at her throat before, so there is no love lost between them both. His feelings for hurting others could be blamed on his Virt, his power, but could it be that, or just an excuse to use his power and jealousy to fuel his deep seated hatred?
(Sandra, Romance at Heart review of The Festival, Virtus #3)
VIRTUS SAGA: Who is Christopher Templeton? (part 2)
Delete“You know, through the years, I’ve kept careful watch over you, not just for personal reasons, but also because I wanted to study up close a Virt I‘d heard only from ancient traditions, which is the rare ability to combine both positive and negative energy. And though you come from a very powerful family, no one else to my knowledge can blend these two opposite forces as easily and effortlessly as you can. I haven’t told anyone about your special talent
(Arthur Fairchild, The Sex #1
“My angel?” A rueful smile, full of love and mischief, crossed his lips. “You don’t know the half of him. Unlike me, he’s never been too choosy when it comes to making his body available to anyone catching his fancy, if only momentary.” He glanced at her ironically. “At least as far as men go. His restless soul has made friends with practically any pair of beautiful eyes, belonging to a pair of pants, naturally.”
“I’ve always felt Chris to be different from any man I know. He’s an angel…” Drowning in images of the beloved face, Duncan sighed. “And a demon. He consumes me with desire, but then his fire gives me new life every time.
(Duncan Caldwell, The Games #2)
“I…I don’t know what happened there, with that burst of love, and to be honest, I don’t want to know. She needed our help, both of us, and I’m very glad I was there for her, really. But I’m still coming round to the fact she’ll be a permanent addition to my life that I just can’t deal with anything else about her, not for the moment.”
(Christopher Templeton, The Leader #4)
“But will she accept your fooling around, knowing she’s not what you really crave?” Deliberately hateful and hurtful, Carl’s tone became more acute. “Does she know how to suck your cock in such a way you won’t wish it was a man doing it? Do you really like all that wetness getting in the way of your pleasure? And what about that dastardly heat stuff that makes you fuck her even when you can’t stand her?” He sniggered. “Will she learn to cope with the fact you’ll never be interested in her cunt, just her ass?”
(Carl Strepton, The Pledge #5)
“At his best, he’s charming, funny, playful like a child but loving like a man.” While at his worst, he’s passionate and hot like a demon come from another dimension.
(Ylianor Templeton, The Heat #6)
Richard’s stomach caved in at young Templeton’s disheveled look. By the gods, how can anyone be so fucking gorgeous? No, gorgeous was not the right word. Sensual…that fit Christopher to a tee and explained Richard’s distraction every time the man moved around the classroom, looking as slick as a feline, whether ready to devour a victim or have sex with it.
(Richard Ellis, The Heat #6)
The problem was that, with one tongue sweep, Duncan wiped out his rage, erased his doubts and spun his senses into a vortex of pure, unashamed, unabated lust. He did not want just anyone. He wanted the almighty prince and him alone. He wanted to drop on his knees to beg for his forgiveness while sucking his cock dry. He wanted to give up his very life, to prove what a stupid fool he was. He wanted to have Duncan’s love overflowing him, instead of the dark, furious cloud engulfing him. He wanted…by the gods, everything he wanted was wrapped up in one person alone, and he almost could not stand it.
(Christopher Templeton The Hea #6)
“Be careful about what you feel for Christopher Templeton.” Embracing his shoulders, she leaned closer. “I’m not going to tell you not to fall in love with him…” ‘Cause I’m too late. “Just watch it. Chris is a wonderful person who can become the worst bastard in the matter of seconds.” And she knew what she was talking about. “He tends to be…” Cruel? Vicious? Impatient? Jealous? Indifferent? “Careless with other people’s hearts…” Except that of his adored prince. “If given half the chance.” She gazed deep in his eyes. “Did I make myself clear?
(Ylianor Templeton, The Heat #6)
Congratulations on your new release, Laura. You have led an interesting life, so you must have a lot to write about.
ReplyDeleteHi Sandy,
Deleteyeah, I guess I do, and a lot of my inspiration comes from the places I've lived in or visited. To share an interesting bit of news, the Nephis Valley, which is the planet Sendar's most sacred place, is totally based on Petra, in Jordan, the same place Steven Spielberg used for the last scenes of his third Indiana Jones movie, the one about the Last Crusade. But other places have inspired me to the point I used them as basis for my novels. One such place is Selimunte, an archaelogical site in Sicily and an ancient Greek city, then turned Roman, which in the end was destroyed by the Romans for their role during the war with Carthage. This site is so intriguing, so fascinating that I had to write a book about it--Spying the Alcove. Then again, also more modern places caught my fancy, like San Francisco, which I visited in 2005 during my honeymoon. I loved that city so much, I set a book in it--Tasting Leon's Mark, ReScue series, Book 2. And of cours, I can never forget the US city where I lived for 5 years, Atlanta GA, and I set a couple of books there--To Seduce A Soul Mate and The Pirate's Surrender, Soulmate series Books 1 and 2, and Re-Scue, ReScue series Book 1. Another interesting place that inspired me straight away was Dracula's Castle in Transilvania, Romania. As soon as I set foot in it, an entire story came to mind, and it was strong, I couldn't stop writing it, not even on the plane ride back home. I'm talking about Visionquest, and I'm sure if you read it, you'll get the feeling of the castle and the village around it, same way I did.
And the more I'll keep traveling, the more I'll get inspirations!!!
Thanks for stopping by, Sandy.
Hi, Laura! Do you think having lived in so many different, exotic locales makes the world-building part of writing the saga easier for you?
Maybe it does help, though I've always thought it's a matter of imagination, and that's something for which you don't need to go anywhere to have. There is a very famous Italian writer, Emilio Salgari, and in the 1800s he wrote lots of books on pirates in the Indian Ocean and in the Caribbean, tales about American Indians and so many more I can't even remember. What strikes you about reading these books, and I read a lot of them, is that he takes you right to the places he's writing about, and you feel like you're actually there. Well, would you believe it? He never step foot out of his native city, Genoa, a port city up in the north of Italy. Yet, he had such an imagination and I guess he talked ot a lot of sailors who fired it up the right way to craft such incredible books.
DeleteSo coming back to your question, it's not necessary to have traveled the world to have a greater ease in world-building. It might present writers with a greater variety of life's differnt aspects, but in the end what makes the difference is how the imagination kicks in and combines everything into a new world.
Thanks for stopping by,
Laura, hope you enjoyed your birthday celebration! What a thoughtful thing for your husband to plan! What a neat series you've created--it definitely sounds like you don't lack for inspiration! Best wishes to you!
ReplyDeletef dot chen at comcast dot net
Yesterday, I had a GREAT time, and we were out until 3 AM eating, drinking and going to various clubs/discos in the city. And he says I have to expect more in the week to come, 'cause my birthday is actually next Friday, so I have a busy week planned LOL
DeleteAs for the Virtus Saga, yeah the inspiration keeps coming, rolling I'd say, and like all of you, I'm curious to see where it takes me. Do you know that I've still not writted the words The End to it? In a vague sort of way, I know how it should end, but I have yet to get to it. But thanks for the wishes.
Ciao from Rome,
Congrats on the new release!
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone for joining in the celebration!
ReplyDeleteMy winner is vitajex(at)aol(dot)com. Write me a mail at lalla_gatta (at) yahoo (dot) com and I'll send you a free download of the PDF copy of The Pledge, Virtus Saga Book 5, the release immediately before The Heat.
I'm waiting for your mail...
Ciao from Rome,